Still I Rise Exhibition Catalogue
Published on the occasion of Act 1 of the exhibition at Nottingham Contemporary, Act 2 of the exhibition at the De La Warr Pavilion and now Act 3 of the exhibition at Arnolfini.
Still I Rise: Feminisms, Gender, Resistance - Act 3 is a timely exhibition focusing on the his/herstory of resistance movements and alternative forms of living from a gendered perspective. This major group exhibition looks at resistance across different times, places and scales: from the domestic sphere to large-scale uprisings. Establishing intersectional thinking as its driving method and incorporating feminist and queer thought and action, Still I Rise spans the late 19th century to the present and beyond.
At Arnolfini, Still I Rise responds to local conversations about Bristol's legacy in the Transatlantic Slave Trade by focusing on black feminist artwork and activism. It also looks at the histories of feminist movements out of Bristol, by featuring a range of material from Feminist Archive South. Initiated in 1978 and based in Bristol, FAS is said to be the UK's first archive of feminist writing, publications, and donated material.
Still I Rise: Feminisms, Gender, Resistance, Act 1:
27 October 2018 – 27 January 2019
Nottingham Contemporary
Still I Rise: Feminisms, Gender, Resistance, Act 2
9 February – 27 May 2019
De La Warr Pavilion
Still I Rise: Feminisms, Gender, Resistance, Act 3
14 September – 15 December 2019